Syed Shujaat Bhukhari : Truth verses hype

*Sadaket Malik

At the midst of 2017, vaneet Koul a reputed  Journalist  discussed with a person of my small stature at least, about the Son of Kashmir "Syed Shujaat Bukhari' an iconic, aesthetics and Truth verses hype brand of journalism as against the famously speaking "blackmailing" and politically at several odds. Exhorted and poited out towards us to make him your role model to get into the ethical profession. vaneet koul a known figure and a mentor in journslism in the sub continent was true to his analysis regarding the "professional ethics" imbibed by the legendry man. Shujaat Bhukhari can be a big loss for a rational media fraternity and a voice of unheared starta. His writings never reveal any tilt towards any of the ideological leanings pravelant in kashmir but lo and behold exposed all behind the wrong doings.
 vneets exhortion at me was a conincidence, never followed him owing to certain family compulsions and advised other senior jounalist friends to act on it.
 At this juncture, every eye in the sub continent condoling the cold blooded murder of this legendary man. His death has indeed paved a way for media fraternity to immulate his Truth Verses hype phenomenon to generate more Shujaat Bhukharis. His loss is an important chapter in the ongoing turmoil in kashmir. We pray Almighty to grant him highest position in heaven and hope in the same way Truth V/S Hype came out over his cold blooded murder.


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